“It has been amazing to see my children’s progress with swimming daily. The kids love attending swim lessons and they are just the right amount of time. It is well worth the commitment and time to invest in teaching kids to swim. The results speak for themselves.”

Quality swim lessons

-Jen, mom of Crosby

ISR lessons

Survival-based swim lessons starting at six months. Perfect for beginners and inexperienced swimmers.

Propellers Program

Swim lessons for children who have successfully mastered their ISR skills, starting at around age 5

The next step in your swim journey

Once your child is confident and independently swim-float-swimming across the pool, they are ready to advance to our Proprellers program!

Structure - As your child progresses from ISR swim lessons, they will enter the Propeller program with 15-minute lessons, scheduled for one or two days per week. The lesson length will gradually increase as the child's endurance improves.